dimanche 8 mai 2011

Polar Skateboard

Et oui ! Pontus vient de démarrer sa propre compagnie,
Polar Skate co. On avait parlé des ses projets il y a
quelques mois et je l'appuyait à 100%, voici sa réponse;

Hey Yan, thank you to. It is great to see all these people around the globe doing their own things. There are still so many people that don´t agree with the industry´s way....Like you skateboarding is to beautiful to be commercialized.

And if you need to do a business out of skateboarding make it right and beautiful. there are not many companies around anymore that I trust or believe in. I know too much seen too much of it and I know how rutten it really is. ...

Maybe i start my own thing my own little baby.

And the little baby is , Polar Skateboard, il y aura un site bientôt pour faire

des commandes...Pour l'instant vous pouvez suivre son blog.

Alors encouragez un brand qui est fabriqué par des skaters pour des skaters!!
Et surtout, une personne qui a le coeur à bonne place!!
Make it happen!!

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